Hiking Peekaboo and Spooky Gulch

Just a few more pictures of a must visit hike in the Grand Staircase/Escalante National Monument.  Peekaboo and Spooky are a very accessible hike for families at the Dry Fork trailhead about 25 miles down the Hole in the Rock road.  After a short climb down slickrock to the wash bottom, you will find Peekaboo slot canyon.  Help each other up the moki steps (steps chipped into the rock such as may have been used by ancient peoples,) then enjoy winding your way through connecting arches of stone.  Try not to giggle and laugh and you climb over, under, around a through tunnels cut through the stone.

It truly is a great place to play Peekaboo!

When Peekaboo narrows up to much to go on, climb east over a sand ridge to Spooky Gulch.  It is a most flat but very narrow slot canyon, at times only about 18 inches wide.  When you have traveled as far as you like, return the way you came, or climb to the top and out the top.  You may retrace your steps to the trailhead (we did, another trip through Peekaboo is fantastic!) or follow the wash to the slickrock climb to the parking lot.

Hope you are having a great day!

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