Homestead 15k 2014

Shandy, Brett, Eden and I went to Midway for a race a couple of weeks ago. It was hot but great–and such a small race that we all won in our age groups!


What fun!! I hope your summer is just as great.

Last Day of School 2013

Last Thursday was our last day of “school.”  I put it in quotation marks because we continue doing school during the summer, we just don’t call it school.  During the summer, we do a math lesson or two each week to keep our hand in, and reading never stops in our house.  Truly, I don’t know how parents whose  children don’t like to read survive the summer.  During the hottest days of the year, my kids end up hiding out in the basement reading book after book.  But since this is just the beginning of the summer, we had to celebrate by spending the last of our last day of school camping.

We made aircraft carriers out of bark and floated them in the stream running through our campsite.

max and boatLulu and Max made “houses” complete with broom cupboard.

lulu's houseWe picked the best place for the tent, with shade . . .

tentand a view.

benny creekEarly the next morning, we ran (Lulu and Max are in the middle of a couch to 5k program.)

lulu runningAnd then we hiked  . . .

nebo from loafer trail

and did a little  cow anatomy.

cow bonesWe sat in camp and read.  Eden brought along a little last minute school work.

brett reading eden working in campIt’s a hard life, but somebody has to do it.


Here’s hoping your summer is starting out just as challenging!  How did you wrap up school for the year?  Please leave me a comment below.






Brett’s First 5k Race

Running is really becoming a family addiction.  I ran my second marathon on May 4th, and last weekend, Brett ran his first 5k race.  He has been training hard, and he cooked down the road!

Brett after race Bretts timeNext race stop for us is a half marathon, with Brett and I doing the relay (he’ll run the bottom half, and I’ll stick with him,)  and Shandy and Eden probably leaving me in the dust!  Running is such a wonderful way to clear the mind and make your body healthy.  I am glad it’s becoming a family activity.

Do you run races?  Do you run with your family?  Leave me a comment below.

Half Marathon Finishers!

Does anyone else find a 13 year old two time half marathon finisher amazing?!  I would never have considered running one mile for fun when I was a teenager, let alone train for and run a half marathon.  This last weekend, Eden ran her second half marathon — the Snow Canyon Half Marathon in St. George.  I ran this race for my first half marathon last year, and it was a blast.

This year, Shandy, Eden and I were planning to run this race together, but Shandy got to stay home and have flu instead (so much fun!)  So Eden and I ran in beautiful St. George weather.  The temperature was cold at the starting line — we waited around for about 45 minutes at 40 degrees — but beautiful for running.  The sun came over the mountain just as the race started, and we ran in the sunshine down a beautiful canyon.

Eden has been racing me in training runs and winning, so it wasn’t a big surprise when she took off around mile 11 and out distanced me.  She came in a full minute ahead of me.  I beat my PR from last year by 40 seconds, coming in at 1:56:39.

What a wonderful thing to have teenagers to run along with me!  I can’t wait until the whole family can run together.

Do you run with your children?  How do you encourage your family to more physical activity?  Please leave me a comment.


Celebrate your Teenagers: Eden’s First Half Marathon

Eden ran her first half marathon this weekend.  I ran beside her to pace her and encourage her, but mostly I just marveled at the determination and strength of this marvelous young woman who is growing up in my home.

She ran so strong she was able to race me through the finishing chute — and win!  She finished in 2:13, and won her age group.

My experience this weekend makes me want to revisit again everyone who told me (and still tells me) to dread having teenagers.  If I could even count how many people have told me the horrendousness of raising teenagers, and how sorry I am going to be to have 4 in the house at one time!  Although I only have two so far, I really don’t know how families survive without teenagers.  It’s having an extra best friend, an extra pair of hands, and an extra smile around the house.  It’s wonderful.  Whether you are raising little ones or teenagers, work hard together and enjoy your time together.  It is precious.

Do you have teenagers?  How do you respond when someone starts telling you about how difficult it is to raise teenagers?  (My first response is, “Not in my house!”)  Hope you are having a great week as well.

06.09.12 Utah Valley Marathon

It’s amazing that you don’t see in my face, “Wow, I just paid nearly $100 to do this to myself?”  I crossed the finish line in 4:24:something.  I didn’t win . . . but I was a winner.  I think that was the hardest thing I have ever done — nearly as hard as labor without a darling baby to show for it at the end.  I think I might like my marathons better spread out over a three day weekend . . .

Have a great weekend!