Best Family Hike in Grand Staircase/Escalante National Monument: Willis Creek

First of all, I’d like to thank everyone from the Simple Homeschool blog who has stopped by this weekend . . . hope you enjoy yourself and come back.

Secondly, I want to talk about visiting Utah’s National Parks.  Many people, both locals in Utah and visitors, think of Utah and either remember skiing in beautiful mountains (true), or the Bryce and Zion National Parks with beautiful red rocks and canyons (also true.)  However, because those are the two images people have of the state, you will also find TONS OF PEOPLE at those destinations.  So, if hiking in crowds is not your style, I strongly suggest visiting other public lands in Utah, especially Capitol Reef National Park and the Grand Staircase/Escalante National Monument.  Beautiful hiking in desert canyons and slot canyons, without the crowds, make these two areas of Utah our family favorites.  We spent five days in the tiny town of Escalante last week, and I am anxious to show you some of the beauties of the area.

Our vote for the best family hike in the Grand Staircase/Escalante National Monument is Willis Creek narrows.  It is an easy, beautiful hike with very accessible slots for kids and novice hikers.  It was the first place we visited on our hiking vacation this year.  Access this hike from Cannonville and the Kodachrome Basin road, about 40 miles east of Escalante.  For a detailed map and hiking trail guide, look here.

Willis Creek crosses the road with large gravel parking pulloffs on either side of the creek.  We parked here and ate our lunch before hiking.  The trail begins on the north (left) side of the wash and goes above the creek because there is a tiny slot canyon and pouroff right at the beginning of the trail.  It is possible to climb directly down the slots in the water, but probably not without getting your feet wet.  Immediately after the slots, the trail again follows the water, and continues down stream.

The hike alternates between open spaces of canyon and short but beautiful slots.  The slots are narrow, about 6 feet wide, but not claustrophobic for a new hiker, and had no obstacles to climb. Basically, the floor of the canyon is all fine gravel with some water flow.  It makes for easy hiking– no sand slogging here– and plenty of chance to get your feet wet or not, as you decide.

Of course, our family always finds a place to climb.  This fascinating arch is rather high on the wall, so not everyone climbed up into it.

You can hike down this wash until it meets Sheep Creek in about 3 miles.  Sheep Creek is a wide sandy canyon with no flowing water.  You can hike Sheep Creek as an access to other slot canyons, including Bull Valley Gorge, but most people just choose to turn around and enjoy Willis Creek again.  The narrows are just as enjoyable the second time around.  This is another reason the hike is so family friendly — you don’t have to go a certain distance to see the “sight”, you can just go as far as you feel like walking and then turn around and head for the car, enjoying every minute.

We hiked to Sheep Creek and back in about 3 hours.  It was an easy walk and very enjoyable.  If your vehicle will handle it (the road is a little rougher from here on out,) be sure and drive the extra mile and a half to at least look at Bull Valley Gorge.  It is a narrow, deep canyon that crosses the road just past Willis Creek.  There is a bridge with a clear parking space well back from it on the road.  Keep ahold of your little ones as you go up to look!

The entry into this canyon is about half a mile up canyon.  If you can hold onto your kids and feel safe, you should walk the edge of this canyon and imagine what the ranchers who ran cattle here in the early 20th century felt about discovering this canyon.  It is a really exciting place to look at.  The downclimb into the canyon is easy, but we were stopped only about a quarter mile down the canyon by an obstacle with a 12 foot drop, and were not able to continue.  Our kids are big enough to enjoy this kind of a challenge, however, and we were glad we had stopped to see this sight.

I hope you get a chance to visit this beautiful place soon.  If you do, drop me a line . . . maybe I’ll come along, too.

If you enjoyed this post, please subscribe to receive the next installments.  I’m planning another hike report along with a great “Picnic Chicken” recipe this week, and also some information about doing school during the summer.  I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments!

Fall in Love with the World Challenge — Day 7

And now for the last day in the challenge . . .

Challenge #7 — Do something outdoors you have never dared do before.

I admit, for me this one is simple — I haven’t been very brave before.  So trying a new trail, picking up a snake or being brave enough to watch a scorpion are all things that are new for me.

For you, this challenge could mean hang gliding, canyoneering or scuba diving.  Try something new!

Hope you are having a great day.  Join me here next week as I post some details about our hiking trip last week, and the plans we have for summer school.  Enjoy your Sunday!

Fall in Love with the World Challenge – Day 4

To see what we’ve been up to, please skip back here to the first day of our challenge.  I hope you will join with us as we Fall in Love with the World this week.

Challenge #4– Look at the clouds.

Stand up or lie down, lean in a chair or look out a window, but look closely at a cloud.

To continue, you could look up the type of cloud in a book or make a story out of the cloud shapes you see following each other across the sky.

Please leave me a comment and a link to show us what you’ve been doing with this week’s nature challenge.  Do you feel that a relationship between humans and the earth is important?  Keep building that relationship by appreciating the earth every day.  Join me tomorrow for Day Five of our Falling in Love with the World challenge.

Fall in Love with the World Challenge — Day 3

As long as this exists… by Anne Frank

“As long as this exists,” I thought, “and I may live to see it, this sunshine, the cloudless skies, while this lasts, I cannot be unhappy.” The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quite alone with the heavens, nature, and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature. As long as this exists, and it certainly always will, I know that then there will always be comfort for every sorrow, whatever the circumstances may be. And I firmly believe that nature brings solace in all troubles.

What a beautiful quote! I hope you are enjoying some alone time with the heavens, nature and God this week. It is a certain restorative. Here’s the challenge for Day 3.

Challenge #3– Walk in Water

Whether it’s a stream, a pond, the ocean or a puddle, find some water to walk in today.

Listen while you walk in the water — it is saying something very profound.

Don’t forget to leave me a comment and a link to show how you fell in love with the world today. Meet me back here for tomorrow for Day 4 in our challenge! Have a wonderful day!

Family Hike: San Rafael Knob

On April 15, we headed out very early in the morning to the San Rafael Knob.  It is the highest point on the San Rafael Desert, and we hoped to climb to the peak before mid-day.  It had been rainy and snowy the three days prior, but we were hoping Sunday would be fine enough for a hike.  We decided to drive in the right direction, hoping the weather report would be correct.  Just after passing Soldier Summit, the highest point on our drive, we saw a small herd of elk including two bulls with fine racks.  We had to stop to try to capture the beautiful pink sky.

It was icy cold there at the summit, and though the river was not frosty, it definitely looked like a winter day.

To reach the San Rafael Knob trail, we exited I-70 at the Moore exit and headed south along the Justensen Flat road.  It is good dirt road, but shortly after it turns toward the Copper Globe mine, it gets quite rough.  I am not a good 4-wheel drive rider, and although everyone reassured me there was nothing scary about this road, I was much happier when we finally crossed the sandy wash and reached a parking space where we could cross the rocks on our feet.  There are some excellent camping spots along the rough spots of this road, especially where the road is close along the edge of the ravine.  A tent could be placed near the cliffs, and they would be wonderful to explore.

Although the wind was quite brisk, the sun was shining and we were able to leave the big coats at the car as we began our hike.  We immediately found some rocks to climb on as we followed the ATV track along the bottom of the wash.

We also enjoyed some “baby slots.”  Just another million years or so and we will be able to hike the bottom of this slot canyon.

The ATV track continues climbing gently through junipers and pinons to a clearly cairned trail leading up the side of San Rafael Swell.  Dad kept saying, “We’re heading for that Ponderosa!”  And sure enough, we ended up halfway up the side of the Knob under that Ponderosa pine.  We dropped our packs there as a lunch spot, and continued climbing the side of the Knob.

There were lots of paths on the Knob.  The trail that promised to lead us to the top, however, included a very narrow section at the top of a long drop-off.  Shandy crossed it and it seemed to continue for a while, but we decided that it was not a wise choice for the little kids, especially considering that we didn’t know if there would be more of the same, but with the certainty that we would have to cross that point again to get back down.  We decided to turn around there and head back to our packs for lunch.

When we got back down to where the trail had left the ATV track, we continued on around the Knob to where the ATV track ended.  We could see no surer way to the top of the Knob, but since we had seen posted pictures from the top, we are sure some have made it to the top.  We will have to save that attempt for another, braver day.  Round trip (not quite to the top) was a total of 8 miles.  It was a very easy hike, most of it practically road walking, and an excellent family trip.

The San Rafael Swell is a wonderful place to spend some time in the quiet of the desert.  The breadth of the view and the width of the sky is very restorative.  When you are tired of “hustle and bustle,” the desert is a place to rest your mind and heart.

I hope you enjoyed your weekend.  Did you spend some time outdoors?  Are you a desert rat, or do you prefer mountains or beaches?  Please, leave me a comment.

Preparing to Hike with Your Family — Spring

As spring in Utah alternates between hot and snow, hiking season has definitely arrived. Unfortunately for us, the snow is usually on the weekends, and the hot is mid-week. Shandy has been tied down by his work lately, so we can’t just throw everything over and go hiking mid-week right now. Even so, I wanted to share some pointers with you
about how to take best advantage of spring hiking season.

  • The most important step is to prepare your mind.  Don’t be depressed because of the weather, but get your mind set to take advantage of the great weather the moment it happens.
  • Have some plans in mind (and maps printed out.)  Spring weather is unpredictable, but you can be ready to go when good weather arrives.
  • Check out books at the library such as “Best Day Hikes” in your area, or search the internet for hikes that are within driving distance.  Print out maps and have those prepared so that if the weather is good, you can take advantage of it.
  • Keep hiking snacks ready.  We allow junk food while we are hiking, although rarely at other times.  I buy water bottles, Pringles (they hold up well inside a backpack), pretzels, Gatorade and candy and stash it for the unexpected hiking trip.  If I have a (hidden) cupboard stock, I don’t have to do a last minute grocery trip.
  • Review your equipment.  Spring is a great time to review your equipment and make sure everything is in good repair.  Backpacks do wear out, although they can often be repaired with a little needle and thread work.  Make sure everyone has good hiking clothing – jeans with seams that do not rub, sweatshirts that pack into a daypack well.
  • Pre-pack your packs.  First-aid equipment, batteries, headlamps, rain ponchos, extra socks, hats and gloves can “live” in your backpack. I often pre-pack water bottles and granola bars so that we have a start on snacks.  If your backpack is ready to go, you can throw in snacks, maps and camera and be ready to go.
  • Make a master packing list for car camping, day hiking, and backpacking trips.  I maintain three separate lists because I pack different gear depending on where I am going.  We have more padding to sleep on when we are car camping (obviously we don’t carry an air mattress or pillows when we backpack!)  I have been reviewing those lists and making sure that they are updated.  As the kids grow, they can carry more of their own comforts, but I still don’t allow them to become loaded down with too much stuff.
  • Review backpacking gear lists, and make sure you are fully equipped.  Reviewing these lists and crosschecking with your own list can help you evaluate oversights.  Remember, just because it is on someone’s list doesn’t mean it has to be on your list.  Backpacker magazine has good gear lists, and it is good to review what you have and what you really need.
  • Freeze some water bottles for the cooler.  No matter how long your hike, it is nice to come back to some cold drinks.  I freeze water in used 2-liter soda bottles to be a source of constant cool in our cooler.  These are nice because they won’t leave your cheese floating in melted ice, and still keep everything very cold.

These are the things I am doing in the snow today so that as soon as the sunshine breaks – Saturday, Sunday, Monday? – I can hit the trail with my family.  Hope you’re enjoying your spring as well.

Teaching Our Children to Be “Passionate Observers”

I wanted to share with you today one of my main goals in teaching my children at home.  Have you noticed how little attention most adults and older children give to the beautiful world we live in?  Maybe you have heard someone say, as I did once, “I’ve seen trees before.  Where’s the mall?”  That complaint was made while we were driving through some of the most beautiful mountains in Utah.  I believe that many people in our world would agree with that sentiment, however.  One of my goals as a mother, then, has been to help my children to retain their natural sense of wonder and to really observe and appreciate the beauty of the natural world.  To steal the words of naturalist Jean Henri Fabre, I would like them always to be “Passionate Observers.”

Anyone who has watched a toddler watch an ant knows that kids are born with natural powers of intent observation.  Soon, though, most kids feel they already “know everything” about ants, and aren’t interested in observing them (or anything else) anymore.  How can we help children to continue to be interested in the world around them as they grow older?

  1. Really look at common things.  For example, the big black bird we see all the time in the Walmart parking lot caught our interest by the noisy talking it did while we were waiting in the car one day.  Instead of forgetting about it, we came home and found its name in a bird book. The common grackle has a very unique way of using its tail as a rudder.  Next time we went to Walmart, we did some wildlife watching in the parking lot.
  2. Slow down.  Observation takes time.  Walk slowly.  Take time to sit on a rock during your next hike and look at the things that are going on around you.
  3. Share your own observations.  While walking or driving with your children, ask, “Did you see that bird?”  or, “Was that a hawk that just flew over?”  Your children will imitate your enthusiasm.
  4. Listen to their observations. Instead of stopping an excited narration with, “Yes, I know,” let your child tell you all about the thing he has been observing.  When he is finished, maybe ask a question or two that will prompt more or more careful observation to continue.
  5. Don’t allow material things to dominate family life.  While going to movies, playing video games and shopping may have their place, they should not be the center of our entertainment. Humans need the natural world for mental health.  Take time to be outdoors regularly and often.

Reading books by and about amateur naturalists can really inspire kids to look at nature.  Picture books for younger kids are easy to find at the local library.  We also enjoy read-alouds on this subject.  Some books we have enjoyed reading include:

  • Books by Farley Mowat.  Especially for kids include Owls in the Family and The Dog Who Would not Be, but equally wonderful are Never Cry Wolf and A Whale for the Killing.
  • A Passionate Observer by Jean Henri Fabre.
  • Secrets of the Nest by Joan Dunning
  • Books by Gerrald Durrell, including My Family and Other Animals; Birds, Beasts and Relatives; and A Zoo in my Luggage.

As I continue to work toward this goal, I am excited to see my kids really look at the world around them and express their appreciation for the beautiful things they see.  I am determined to continue working toward the goal of being “Passionate Observers.”

How do you help your kids maintain their interest in the natural world?  Please leave me a comment.

Exploring Capitol Reef National Park

Don’t drive through Capitol Reef without stopping to see the fruit orchards and one room school house at Fruita.  Fruita was a tiny town in the middle of Capitol Reef — what a location to live in!  The kids and I really enjoyed peeking through the windows of the school house, and imaging Laura, Mary and Almanzo going to just such a school.

Another must stop at Capitol Reef is the Goosenecks overlook.  Sulfur Creek is one of the most wonderful hikes in Capitol Reef, and I hope to do this hike again this summer and show you pictures of it.  In the meantime, looking off the overlook down into this deep canyon gives a foretaste of what is in store.

We stopped at the overlook to take some pictures.

I guess you can tell how much Max hates hiking.

Lots more to see in Capitol Reef — can’t wait til I get to go there again.  Hope you’re having a great week!

Hiking Lower Spring Canyon, Capitol Reef National Park

This weekend was beautiful spring weather, a little breezy and 70 degrees.  A little hot for a hiking — but just perfect.  We weren’t certain where we would be hiking, because we wanted to do Spring Canyon, but that required fording the Fremont River.  If the river was too high, we planned to hike Upper Muley Twist, another must do Capitol Reef hike we’ve been saving for the right day.  Mom and Dad got down to Capitol Reef on Saturday afternoon and checked the ford.  Dad actually was able to ford it, so we planned to get up early on Sunday started hiking to Spring Canyon from the Chimney Rock trailhead.

The first time we had hiked this trail, we only made it part way to the confluence with Spring Canyon.  We were “checking it out” on our way to another hike.  The trail at Chimney Rock starts up a steep, blue clay hill that really kicked our butts when we were here before.  This time we just powered right up it.  It is short, and it is nearly the only uphill on this trail.  Right after you get to the top of this hill, start looking for petrified wood.  It is everywhere, some of it big stumps, some bark, and some pieces that look like splinters from someone splitting firewood.

This is a big stump we saw further down the canyon that someone very strong had lifted up on top of a boulder.

We came to an open looking confluence that we assumed was the confluence with Spring Canyon, and followed it a little way up canyon before realizing it was just a box.  The  confluence with Spring Canyon is signed, and it seems farther than 3 miles from the trailhead (posted), but my GPS was getting lots of crazy points, so I don’t have good mileage on this trip.

The light was beautiful for taking shots of the canyon and the desert varnish (the black markings on the canyon walls) was  shining like wet paint.  As usual, the kids found plenty of rock climbing and fun on the trail.

We did walk up the Spring Canyon Confluence when we found it, and although the spring was not marked on the map, we did find where the water began about a half mile up from the confluence.  If this water is perennial, it would make Spring Canyon a very nice overnight backpack.  Most of the hike is a straight wash walk, with a little sand slogging and bouldering thrown in for spice.  There is only one tricky spot of the trail, a climb around a narrow slot canyon.

The path above the slot canyon was not too scary, but one part of it was a walk around a sliding dirt hill above a drop.  Dad and Shandy were ahead, and assured us it was fine, but it appeared that we were walking on a thin line carved into the dirt.  After deciding we would probably survive a fall (but with lots and lots of road rash and broken legs), Lulu and I took our walk around the cliff.

This was definitely the most exciting part of the hike.  After a stop for lunch, we finished our hike down the canyon.  We spotted an arch high on the wall, and there was one very beautiful alcove.

In the excitement of the river crossing, we forgot to take pictures!  Sorry.  It was about thigh deep and running quite fast, but the bottom was not slippery.  We crossed with arms linked, and were successful!  Thank goodness — no way we were hiking back 9 miles.  That is also the reason you should never start a hike with a possibly uncrossable river on it — when you get there, you’ll try to cross whether or not it is safe.

Hope you enjoy the pictures!  Go to Capitol Reef soon.  You won’t be sorry and March and April are perfect times to go.  Tomorrow — some more things to see on your trip.

Marathon-in-a-Month Update and Spring at the Pond

We are nearly halfway through March, and the kids and I completed mile 9 today of their Marathon-in-a-month.  They will need to do some longer “runs” to be able to finish up by the end of March.  Fortunately, the weather has been beautiful the last few days, and they are enjoying their time outside.  We went to do our marathon miles today at a local pond which we haven’t visited since last fall.

It is definitely spring — the first turtle I have ever seen in Utah was sunning himself on a rock.

One of my goals as a parent and homeschooler is to teach my children to be excellent observers, especially of the natural world.  Imagine how happy I was when Lulu and Max raced ahead and then shouted back to me excitedly, “Mom, a turtle!”  We had to throw a little rock toward it in the water to make sure it was really alive.  It scrambled down into the pond, but was up sunbathing again by the time we made our second loop.

Lulu also spotted some cattails that were accessible without getting too muddy, and they had fun blowing them apart.

We also had to do a little tree climbing.

We also saw a beaver corpse.  That was really sad.  We had never seen live beavers at this pond, and we certainly didn’t want to see a dead one.  It was interesting to get a close up view of a beaver tail, however.  I took a picture — but I won’t share it with you.  It was a tiny bit gruesome.

Needless to say, our running time was slow: about 45 minutes for two and a half miles.  The goal however, is enjoyment, and we certainly reached our goal.

Hope you can get outside and enjoy spring!